Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Liebster Award

I was surprised to see I got my first award in blogging. I was awarded the Liebster award by Sarah whose blog you can (and should) read here. Liebster is German for “Dearest” and is an award is for new bloggers who have less than 200 followers to help give them recognition and support. It's also a great way to let someone know how much you enjoy their blog. Thanks Sarah! I’m sorry I’ve been MIA, but I wouldn’t leave you hanging.

When you receive the award, you post 11 random things about yourself, answer 11 questions from the person who nominated you, nominate 11 blogs of your own, and post 11 questions for them to respond to.

11 Random facts about me.

1. Despite living in Florida, I like cold weather. I relish the day it gets cold enough to wear hoodies.
2. I have one tattoo, and despite the usual “ink fever” people experience after their first tattoo, I have had just one for seven years, despite having tattoo artists in the family as well as a while with two roommates who are tattoo artists.
3. I am a very picky eater. I don’t eat seafood, mayonnaise, sour cream, ranch, any sort of mint, or most things chocolate.
4. Surprisingly, I am an amazing cook. I even cook all the stuff I don’t like.
5. I’m a Halo nerd. I’ve been playing Halo for eleven years and go to all the midnight releases of the video games. I’ve even read the majority of the novels.
6. I give the best back massage you will ever have. It’s not a cocky statement; it’s just what I’ve been told numerously.
7. I think that part of a truly great concert experience is the camping out for tickets to get the best seats available.
8. I’ve had a total of 55 stitches/staples from injuries and a total of 0 broken bones.
9. I’ve driven over 150 MPH behind the wheel of a Dodge Viper and didn’t get pulled over.
10. I drank from the fountain of youth in St. Augustine, and the water tasted like ass.
11. I wrote an essay that was used at the example essay in FCAT and GED tests.

Sarah’s 11 questions:

1. What is your one big regret in your life you wish you could change?

Moving to Tennessee. Before I made that move, I was living in a nice side of town here in Jacksonville, I had an amazing four bedroom home with a loft-style bedroom, a huge yard, A big back porch, a gazebo/fire pit, and enough furniture to fill it all up. I gave it all up and consolidated everything to a one bedroom in Chattanooga Tennessee. It seemed smart at the time, due to a potential career opportunity and the chance to get some much needed space from things I was having a hard time letting go of. The career opportunity didn’t pan out though, and the little that I did keep when I moved got damaged on the return trip to Florida. You live and you learn I guess.

2. Who was your favorite teacher, and how did they affect you?

Mr. Williams at Baldwin. I was a bit of a slacker, usually too bored with the assignments and a problem with authority. He found ways to challenge me, and to roll with my smartass attitude without being hostile or a pushover. I looked forward to his class every day.

3. How did you meet your significant other? (cute story time)

I have no significant other, so no cute stories from me, sorry.

4. What do you do for a living and are you happy with it?

I have bounced around many career fields in my life, often leaving each one for a change of pace or a raise in pay. Logistics seems to be the common field in them all, and while I’m good at it, I don’t think anyone as a kid says “I wanna be a Project manager for a logistics company!” I’d really love to write, or maybe find something in sports and/or social media. I’ll be happy when I find a way to do what I love in a practical way that pays the bills.

5. If you could be granted one wish, what would it be?

Ungodly amounts of money! Sure, it’s cliché and typical, but I DO believe money can buy happiness, or it can at least allow me to do the things that would make me happy. So if money doesn’t buy happiness it’ll be a good down payment.

6. What is something on your bucket list you are itching to cross off?

Going to Rome. I’ve always wanted to go but have never had the chance. I’m going to get there though, don’t you worry.

7. What made you start a blog?

Having too much on my mind. Blogging allows me to get things out of my head so that I can concentrate on something different. You can’t allow thoughts to get jumbled up in there for too long, you’ll go crazy.

8. What is the one thing you wish you could do?

Play guitar. I’ve tried learning and I can do little bits of songs here and there, but I’d love to be able to really play. I guess I need the right instructor.

9. What is a quote that inspires you?

“There's always a reason to smile. Find it. Life is short. We're not here for a long time; we're here for a good time.”

10. If you could witness any event, past, present, or future, what would it be?

Witnessing past events is tempting, but when you throw in future events I have to jump on it. I’d like to witness the Florida Gators 50th National Championship win 48 years from now.

11. If you could stay a certain age forever, what would it be?

Twenty-Two. Though that would require back-tracking a few years in age.

My Nominees:

1. Shannon at Awash With Wonder
2. Blair Klein at The Silver Cage
4. lauren danger at There's Only One Box
6. Rachel Emmilee at Rachel Emmilee
7. Nugs at That Ain't Kosher
8. Austin Smith at Undeniable Contingencies
9. notcaitiedavis at a caitionary tale
10. Tanya Sehgal at Coveted Dreams

Questions for my award winners:

1. If you could have any ONE super power, what would it be?
2. If you had to move away from where you live, where would you like to move?
3. If you could go see any five bands in concert (past or present) who would they be?
4. You get to spend a week with a celebrity of your choice, who is it?
5. You have unlimited funding for a day, what do you do?
6. If you could have any restaurant located IN your house, what would it be?
7. Favorite Superhero?
8. What was your very first blog about?
9. Drink of choice?
10. Biggest pet peeve?
11. How many awards have you gotten? (Blogging or otherwise)

On a personal note:

I realize that some of you may have received this award already. Don’t feel obligated to dish out another 11 awards or anything.In fact, none of you should feel obligated to participate if you don't wish too, I just wanted to share the honor with those whose blogs I have been reading. Thanks for the entertainment and thought provocation. It’s much appreciated. Cheers.


  1. Hey, thanks for the award! How very sweet of you!!!

    I enjoyed reading your facts about yourself/answers to the questions. You should totally learn to play the guitar! All you really need is three or four chords anyway. It worked for Joey Ramone. :P

    1. I suppose it couldn't hurt to be a 4 chord wonder. I occasionally like to write lyrics, it'd be nice to be able to put them to music.

  2. How are you Chris? It's been long... I am happy for recieving the award but more than that, I am elated just because you remembered me & the blog. :) Thanks so much !! It was nice knowing you a way better :)Specially about the essay you wrote. :) Amazing :D

    1. You were one of my very first followers, of course I remember you. Glad to see you're still blogging regularly. I promise to start posting a lot more here and to get the story rolling in the other blog again soon.

  3. Why thank you for this award! im the worst at passing on awards but I'll try my darndest to get it out!

    1. Don't sweat it. I'm not expecting everyone to award it forward. Just wanted my favorite bloggers to get the notoriety.
