Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Good News Everyone!

Dance for me puppets! Dance! You see my amazing Twitter Jedi power? Ok, so chances are Jerry Jones doesn’t even know how to operate Twitter and never saw that tweet.  Even more likely is that he’d laugh if he did read it, and dismiss me as another know-nothing fan. After all, I have tweeted him numerous times over the years telling him to fire Jason Garret and it has never happened. I’m quite sure I started the #FireJasonGarret hashtag on Twitter.  Anyhow, this is all irrelevant.  The real point I am driving at here is that as an overly involved Dallas Cowboys fan, I am beyond happy with this move. So that was good news of the day part one. (Quick side note while still on the sports subject. My Florida Gators are still killing it in the recruiting ranks this year, holding strong at #1.)

The second good news of the day yesterday was a two-fer from my local radio station. Some idiot politician was trying to stop concerts from being put on at Metropolitan Park, which is (get this) an outdoor CONCERT VENUE! Apparently old people across the river complained of the noise and language from the concerts and this guy thought it’d be a good idea to stop those noise complaints by killing off events that stimulate our economy and please the tens of thousands of attendees each year. Yesterday several music enthusiasts showed up to the court houses to protest this bill and it was withdrawn.  Then, to top it off, X1029 announced that “Welcome to Rockville” this year will be a two day music festival instead of its usual one day lineup. I’ll be getting my tickets as soon as their available.

On a less “good news” note, I did not win the Newbie Award in 20SB’s Bootleg awards, nor did Sarah, who I vouched for in my last post. The good news here is that Rachael Emilee won the award and is a fantastic writer who is completely deserving of it. I actually nominated/voted for her in other categories as well.  Congrats to all of the winners.  I’m going to have to step it up and see if I can make a run for that “Blogger I’d like to get a drink with” award.

My inner video game nerd would be disappointed if I didn’t mention that Halo 4 has been awesome this week. The new episode of Spartan Ops is incredible, and I love that we’re finally getting all of these community maps. It’s amazing to me that we’re finding ways to make video games seem new and entertaining months after they’ve been released.  The formula being used by 343 right now is going to keep this game fresh well into the release of Halo 5. So far it’s all been at no additional charges, which is awesome in its own right. I’m looking forward to all the many new maps and features along the way, including Grifball next week!

This post was a bit all over the place. I know. 

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